TikTok Social Listening

Share of Voice

Capture your brand's share of voice on TikTok to get an essence of its presence, visibility, impact, and influence across various audience groups.

Social Listening

Share of voice is an indispensable part of social listening; get started with it by capturing brand share of voice on TikTok.

Video Performance

Analyze the performance of your earned content or UGC that determines your share of voice to organic and promoted videos.

Brand Comparison

Compare your brand's share of voice against one or many competitors for competitive insights.

Strengthen your voice on social

Measure your brand's presence and visibility by comparing its share of voice against competitors. Track changes over time and assess the effectiveness of your marketing initiatives.

UGC Growth

Tracking share of voice helps you keep an eye on the UGC or earned content received by the brand.

UGC Sentiments

Monitor how people talk about your brand or products by analyzing the sentiments across all earned videos.

Branded Hashtags

Select branded hashtags to be included in your 'share of voice' video search, and compare the percentage of account vs hashtags mentions.

Content Types

Discover content types like earned (UGC), organic, and promoted videos to access share of voice reach and visibility

Granular Metrics

Analyze brand growth by accessing share of voice views and breakdown all content performance as per relevant metrics.

Understand TikTok like never before

Exolyt helps you by delivering insights on UGC videos. Schedule a demo to discover the platform's capabilities, or get started with a free trial for an immersive firsthand experience.